博士(2008.09- 2011.12),中国科学院电工研究所,电工理论与新技术
硕士(2003.09- 2006.06),四川大学原子与分子物理研究所,原子与分子物理
学士(1999.09- 2003.06),河南师范大学物理与信息工程学院,物理学
1.NSFC-河南联合基金:高深宽比超分辨纳米光刻图形制备方法研究。No.U1604133, 2017.01-2019.12,结项,参与。
1. Effects of high magnetic field annealing on microstructure and multiferroic properties of Bi1−xLaxFeO3ceramics,
Shuxia Zhang, Yanwei Ma*, Satoshi Awaji, Kazuo Watanabe,
Ceramics International, Volume 42, Issue 16, 18785–18790 (2016)
2. Near-field Moiré effect with dielectric- metal-dielectric sandwich structure
S. Zhang, S. Liu, X. Yang*, C. Wang, X. Luo.,
Journal of Nanophotonics. 7(1), 073080, 2013.
3. Significantly improved multiferrioc properties of BiFeO3/Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3bilayer films by magnetic field annealing,
Shuxia Zhang, Z Duan, X Zhang, D Wang, Z Gao, L Han, Y Ma*, S Awaji, and K Watanabe,Appl. Phys. Express, Vol.5,041802 (2012).
4. Observation of room temperature saturated ferroelectric polarization in Dy substituted BiFeO3 seramics
Shuxia Zhang, L Wang, Y Chen, D Wang, Y Yao, and Y Ma*,
J. Appl. Phys.Vol.111, 074105 (2012).
5. Effects of magnetic annealing on structure and multiferroic properties of pure and dysprosium substituted BiFeO3
Shuxia Zhang, Y Yao, Y Chen, D Wang, X Zhang, S Awaji, K Watanabe, and Y Ma*,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,Vol.324, 2205 (2012)
6. Ferromagnetism in sub-micron scale BiFeO3
Shuxia Zhang, L Wang, Z Gao, X Zhang, D Wang, and Y Ma*
Mater. Lett., Vol.65, 3309 (2011).
7. Simultaneously improved magnetization and polarization in BiFeO3based multiferroic composites
Shuxia Zhang, W Luo, L Wang, D Wang, and Y Ma*,
J. Appl. Phys., Vol.107, 054110 (2010).
8. Phase evolution and magnetic property of Bi1−xDyxFeO3ceramics
Shuxia Zhang, W Luo, D Wang, and Y Ma*,
Mater. Lett., Vol.63, 1820 (2009).